Hello Everyone! I'm Abhishek.
Full-stack web developer with a passion for integrating machine learning and data science into seamless, intelligent solutions.
Hello Everyone! I'm Abhishek.
Full-stack web developer with a passion for integrating machine learning and data science into seamless, intelligent solutions.
Hello Everyone!
I'm Abhishek.
Full-stack web developer with a passion for integrating machine learning and data science into seamless, intelligent solutions.
Nagpur, India
Nagpur, India
Nagpur, India
1st position
"Developed CrickTech Project for GFG World Cup Wizard Hackathon 2023. Cricktech is an platform for enhancing cricket fan experience and engagement among them. Consists of Live Streaming, Custom Chat rooms, Match Score Predictors, Players performance analysis, Matches and more…"
30th Nov 2023
World Cup Wizard
GeeksforGeeks - Hackathon 2023
1st Runner Up Position
"Developed ComputeGPT project in a week. ComputeGPT is a LLM powered web-app to solve complex computational problems. It utilizes Wolfram Alpha Pro LLM and API's to help assist in solving problems."
5th Nov 2023
Hack it Out!
IIT Patna - Celesta 2023
1st Runner Up Position
"Developed StoryCircle Project in 12 hour on Campus Hackathon. StoryCircle is an Online Collaberative dynamic StoryTelling Game built using ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo API."
14th Oct 2023
GPT 3.5 Solvathon
IIIT Nagpur - CRISPR Club

Frontend Development

Backend Development

UI / UX development